Continuidad de las pantallas
video instalación
Medidas variables
6’52 min
Continuidad de las pantallas es un vídeo que muestra las ruinas de un antiguo cine en la Apulia y en voz en off se narra un cuento. Se abordan los cambios que experimenta nuestra percepción de una imagen en movimiento al ser vista en un cine o en un dispositivo inteligente unipersonal. Continuidad de las pantallas profundiza en la continuación entre la ficción y la realidad, que se presenta en una pantalla entendida como un modulo de encierro individual, personal y modulable.
Screen Continuity
Video installation
Varying measurements
6’52 min
Screen Continuity is a video that explores the ruins of an ancient cinema in Apulia while a story is told in voiceover. It addresses the changes experienced by our perception of a moving image when viewed in a cinema or on a personal smart device. Screen Continuity aims to deepen a continuation between fiction and reality, which is presented on a kind of screen understood as a module of individual, personal and modular confinement.
The voiceover in the video tells the story of an artist who works at an old cinema condemned to bankruptcy. The artist during the day is in the cinema and at night he watches TV series to be able to sleep. Suddenly, he encounters a series that is about himself. After experiencing a period of euphoria, the artist ends up losing the ability to create and imagine another reality.